Create DCAP
Lean how to create a DCA operation on DCApp
Last updated
Lean how to create a DCA operation on DCApp
Last updated
To create a DCA Plan (DCAP), go to the PandExchange app on and select the "Create" Tab.
Before you can create a DCAP, you must connect to the desired blockchain with an injected provider, like Metamask for example or any other available wallet, on the top right of the page. You can also select the desired blockchain to connect to.
On the top left of this page, you have the form that allows you to create your DCA Plans. On the top right, a price graph of the selected pair. On the bottom left an overview of the DCA Plan that will be created. On the bottom right you can find suggested DCA Plan by our team. These plan will be regularly updated according to our own team research.
You will now be able to create you DCAP, using the top left form. Using the question mark button you can see a quick tutorial and explanation of how it works, or you can read the detailed explanations just below.
Here are the parameters you need to fill in:
Period: Number of days between each occurrence. For example, if you want a weekly DCA plan, put 7.
Number of occurrences: Number of exchanges in your DCAP. For example, if you have a period of 7 days and you want a DCA that lasts all year, you must put 52.
Amount per occurrence: Amount of the input token that will be exchanged for the output token at each occurrence.
Token In: The token you want to send
Token Out: The token you want to receive
Using the Setting wheel button, you can also open the wheel to set additional parameters, those are optional but we recommend that users look for the best DEX to use in their case.
DEX: You can select the decentralized exchange you want to use. Visit their respective websites to know more about each exchange and do the better choice for you case.
Validator's fee: This is the fee that will be redistributed to validators. To ensure that your DCA plan is executed properly, you must ensure that the fee cover the gas fees of each transaction that will need to happen. By default, the fee is set to an estimated optimal value, and you will be able to modify the quantity of fee on the fly once the DCA Plan is created.
Slippage tolerance: The difference between the quoted price when you create the DCAP and the actual exchanged price. If your transactions do not pass, try a higher value, especially on low volume pairs. Default value is 0.5%
In the case where the input token is an ERC-20, an "Approve token transfer" button will be shown. Once all parameters have been set, click on this button and accept the Metamask transaction to approve the PandExchange contract to transfer your input tokens into itself. Once done, the "Add new DCA" button will be available.
Finally, click on the "Add new DCA" button and accept the Metamask transaction. Congratulation, you should now be able to see your DCAP in the second tab, "Manage"! If that is not the case, wait a few second and use the refresh button inside the "Manage" tab.